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April 2, 2010
Time to stop CHIRPING and SQUEAKING - what do you recon?

Are you tired of the b_ _dust?

 We have recently conducted a poll at zagarsax and the most hated thing about playing the sax is the dreaded chirp or squeek.

Apparantly, players are so frustrated with chirping that they ultimately relent to having their mouthpiece refaced. Statistically speaking, a reface has about as much probability to stop the dreaded 'squeak' as spraying the miscreant mouthpiece with WD40! (from our knowledge in mouthpiece construction and engineering, metal removal would actually have a higher probability to increase, rather than to decrease this phenomenon).

So what can one do? O.k, you've tried different reeds, different strengths, different brands; you've even resorted to refacing and the bloody thing still squeaks! Bloody hell!

O.k., you can now relax knowing that reeds, brands and strengths, and refacing ARE NOT THE SOLUTION!

So what is the answer? If I told you, zagarsax would not be in business, so you had better tryout a 'real' mouthpiece with a 'real' solution.

If you are having troubles with chirping and squeeking then take the ZAGAR 30 day challange - TOTAL SATISFACTION - or your money-back; it's that simple!

Good luck with your mouthpiece searches, and all the best for Easter to one and all! 



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